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Mamatov Sardor Gayrat ogli
Teshaboyeva Nafisa Zubaydulla qizi



This article emphasizes that understanding and recognizing the various types of syntactic relations in a sentence is crucial for analyzing and explaining sentence structure and meaning. It reminds readers to approach discussions about syntax with sensitivity and respect for diverse perspectives and interpretations. By grasping these syntactic relations, one can deepen their understanding of how words and groups of words interact within a sentence, ultimately leading to greater coherence and clarity in communication.

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Как цитировать
Mamatov Sardor Gayrat ogli, & Teshaboyeva Nafisa Zubaydulla qizi. (2023). TYPES OF SYNTACTIC RELATIONS IN A SENTENCE. USTOZLAR UCHUN, 25(1), 3–5. извлечено от http://pedagogs.uz/index.php/01/article/view/390

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Analyses of scientific text

Mamatov Sardor G’ayrat o‘g’li

rd year students at Djizzakh branch of The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Supervisor: Abduraxmanova Zilola Yoqubjon qizi

Assistant teacher in the department Foreign Languages at Djizzakh branch of The

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek


This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to analyze a scientific text. It emphasizes the importance of carefully examining the content, structure, and language of the text to understand its purpose, main findings, and implications.The steps outlined in the text include reading the title and abstract, identifying the research question or objective, examining the methodology, analyzing the results, interpreting the discussion and conclusion, assessing references and citation, evaluating the scientific rigor, considering the broader context, and paying attention to language and style.

Key words:What is analyses of scientific text,methodology,research design,data collection method,statistical analyses , technical terms.

Analyses of scientific text

Analyzing a scientific text involves closely examining its content, structure, and language to understand its purpose, main findings, and implications. The process typically includes reading the title and abstract to get an overview, identifying the research question or objective, examining the methodology, analyzing the results and their significance, interpreting the discussion and conclusion, assessing references and citation, evaluating the scientific rigor, considering the broader context and connections to other studies, and paying attention to the language and style. The goal is to extract key information, critically evaluate the study's strengths and limitations, and formulate an analysis of scientific documents.

Read the abstract and identify the research question or objective: The title provides an initial indication of the topic and focus of the study. The abstract gives a concise summary of the research objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Reading these sections helps you gain an overview of the study and its relevance to your analysis.

Examine the methodology and analyze the results: Understand how the study was conducted by examining the research design, sample size, data collection methods, instrumentation, and statistical analyses used. This enables you to evaluate the quality and reliability of the study. Review the presentation of results, including tables, figures, and statistical analyses. Identify the key findings and patterns reported by the researchers. Pay attention to the significance and limitations of the results.

Interpret the discussion and conclusion: Read the discussion section to understand how the authors interpret their findings and relate them to existing knowledge.Look for insights,explanations, and connections made by the researchers.The conclusion summarizes the main findings, their implications, and potential future research directions.

Assess the references and citation: Note the sources the authors cite to support their claims and provide context for their study. Evaluate the quality and relevance of the references, as well as the adequacy of the citation style used.

Evaluate the scientific rigor: Consider the validity,reliability, and generalizability of the study. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the research design, methodology, and statistical analyses used. Look for potential biases or limitations that may affect the study's outcomes.

Analyzing a scientific text requires careful reading, critical thinking, and an understanding of the scientific method. By following these steps, you can effectively analyze and interpret scientific texts and extract meaningful insights from them. Analyses of scientific texts play a critical role in enhancing scientific understanding, identifying gaps in knowledge, evaluating research quality, and facilitating knowledge dissemination.


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