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Senior teacher of Samarkand state institute of foreign languages


ABSTRACT   Objective The higher education system is ineffectual; in order to raise the volume of labor resources educated, it is distinctive that it must alter the concept of the educational process. This means that moving to a higher education system that incorporates smart technology is essential. This article's goal is to ascertain how smart technology can be used as an intellectual and innovative instrument to strengthen the higher education system and help students build real skills. Design, procedure, and strategy The characteristics of smart technology as intellectual tools of higher education are examined; views of using smart technologies as remote forms of implementation of smart technologies on IT platforms are examined; and the components of traditional education in universities are studied. Perspectives on the use of smart technology as innovative tools for the development of higher education are determined. This article may be of interest to public officials that oversee higher education development programs and academic staff at higher education institutions.

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How to Cite
Fayzullayeva Dilnoza Ubaydulloyevna. (2023). INTEGRATING SMART TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATING FUTURE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS. Ustozlar Uchun, 24(2), 56–58. Retrieved from


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