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Chulliyev Shokhrukh Ibadullayevich


Abstract: Image-to-video conversion is a transformative process that translates a sequence of still images into a dynamic and cohesive video format. It involves organizing, sequencing, and enhancing individual images with transitions and audio elements to create engaging visual narratives. This technology's versatility finds applications across marketing, digital content creation, education, and entertainment, offering a creative means to transform static visuals into compelling video presentations. As technology advances, automated tools and AI-driven algorithms continue to refine and streamline this conversion process, enabling efficient and captivating video creation from static imagery.

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How to Cite
Chulliyev Shokhrukh Ibadullayevich. (2024). IMAGE-TO-VIDEO CONVERSION: BRIDGING STATIC VISUALS TO DYNAMIC NARRATIVES . PEDAGOGS, 49(1), 37–40. Retrieved from


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