Основное содержимое статьи

Muxtorov Fayzulloxon Nodirxon O’g’li
Iqboljon G’aforov


Annotation: Using English in the classroom can provide students with many benefits. It can create an immersive environment for language learning, helping students become more comfortable and confident in using English for communication. Language immersion: Utilizing English as the primary language of instruction allows students to be fully immersed in the language. Communication skills: Using English as the medium of communication in the classroom encourages students to practice and develop their verbal and written communication skills. In conclusion, using English in the classroom is essential for language development, creating an immersive learning environment, reinforcing material, and preparing students for the future.

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Как цитировать
Muxtorov Fayzulloxon Nodirxon O’g’li, & Iqboljon G’aforov. (2023). USING ENGLISH IN THE CLASSROOM. USTOZLAR UCHUN, 25(1), 46–50. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки

List of used literature

"Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language" by Marianne Celce-Murcia and Donna M. Brinton

"How to Teach English" by Jeremy Harmer

"The Practice of English Language Teaching" by Jeremy Harmer

"Learning Teaching: The Essential Guide to English Language Teaching" by Jim Scrivener

"Beyond the Sentence: Introducing Discourse Analysis" by Scott Thornbury

"An A-Z of ELT" by Scott Thornbury

"Teach English: A Training Course for Teachers" by Adrian Doff and Christopher Jones

"Practical English Usage" by Michael Swan

"Teaching English Grammar" by Jim Scrivener

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