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4th course of Foreign language and literature in Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
4th course of Russian language and literature in Jizzakh State Pedagogical University


Annotation: This article explores the The introductory paragraph sets the stage by likening language to a canvas and sentence composition to an art form. It introduces the theme of creativity in constructing sentences, emphasizing the impact of word arrangement. Discusses the importance of varying sentence structures to create rhythm and impact, drawing a parallel between sentence composition and musical composition. Emphasizes the use of descriptive language to engage the reader's senses. It highlights the role of adjectives, verbs, and metaphors in creating a sensory experience within sentences. Here, the focus is on the role of punctuation marks in controlling the flow and tone of sentences. It suggests using different punctuation marks for specific effects and the impact they can have on sentence structure.

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How to Cite
Butabekova Durdona, & Jurabaev Javokhir. (2023). EXPLORING OF SENTENCE COMPOSITION CREATIVE WAYS TO COMBINE WORDS. Ustozlar Uchun, 25(1), 87–91. Retrieved from http://pedagogs.uz/index.php/01/article/view/437



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